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You can lose everything, but nobody will take away what you saw and what you experienced...

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Joined: Jun 04
Points: 15075

Great words of wisdom

Posted: 2006-01-27 12:53 PM   
Hi Wojciech

I like your statement:
Since GS is a travellers' community I try to publish first of all informative pictures - to give other people idea about places and people - so they will know if it is worth to go there or what they could expect there - to avoid dissapointment...

These are very good chosen words. With the pictures you upload, you always proove your statement! Most of your pictures are of a superb quality not only informative but also technically, that's what makes looking at your galleries so interesting :-)

I'm glad to be a member of the same community as you are.

Have a great day


Joined: Sep 03
Points: 20248


Posted: 2006-01-14 08:56 AM   
We would like to go to Riga some time this year, I suppose it is more or less direction Gdans, so who knows. When will you be back from your adventures?

We are in India at the moment and it is nice and cool in the internet cafe, a good place to be for the time being.



Joined: Jun 04
Points: 15075

Thank you

Posted: 2006-01-11 04:33 PM   
Hi Wojciech

Thank you for reading and rating my reports, it's a great honour to have your vote and comment about my reports :-)

I know that my shanghai piece is not the best I did but at that moment I was learning how to do it, I did retouch it a bit afterwards but still misses some points, anyway as my stay was only short and organised I couldn't possibly give you any hotel prices... but these informations are most of the time not long valid and depending on personal taste and possibilities.

Have a great day and I look forward to more of your adventures, great to be a member of the same community as you!



Joined: Aug 02
Points: 11491


Posted: 2006-01-10 05:45 AM   
Hi my Polish friend!
Well, I'm finally in Egypt.
In Djibouti I tried everything to reach Egypt but was impossible.
There was no cargo ships to take me. The last chance was the Mirna M cargo ship that was carring camels to Arabia Saudi and Egypt. I offered to the captain 200$ and work for free all the way to Egypt and he accepted but the shipping company said no ... what a shit!
Bored to talk with many captains receiving negative answers I decided to go to Yemen but just in transit cause the Visa is really expensive.
There's no ships from Yemen to Egypt and the Saudi Arabia Embassy denied me the Visa, even the transit visa!! Bastards!
Anyway I had to flight to El Cairo where I'm now. Just travelling again ... will see what's next!
Sana'a old city was amazing as the surroundings are great!! What a buildings!! I will go back in the future, for sure!!!
Good luck and better journeys!



Joined: Aug 04
Points: 14003

hii woj

Posted: 2006-01-10 01:00 AM   
well very nice slide show Turkmenistan gallery.


Joined: Sep 05
Points: 504

Happy New Year

Posted: 2006-01-09 09:19 AM   
Witaj Wojtku!
Widzę że właśnie jesteś online.

Udanych podróży i spełnienia marzeń w Nowym Roku oraz dotarcia tam gdzie jeszcze nie byłeś. Nie pozostało tego już wiele więc życzę powodzenia i trzymam w kciuki.


ps. jeśli w dalszym ciągu poszukujesz partnera na wyjazd do towarzysza Kim'a - jestem zainteresowany.


Joined: May 05
Points: 41625

S Dnem Rojdenia!

Posted: 2006-01-06 08:16 PM   
Wojciech, the wise traveller, have enjoyment in this especial day 7th January in your Wojtkowka with your family and friends!
(We both are Capricorn!).
I wish you a Bon Voyage to Malvinas/Falklands, South Georgias, Tristan da Cunha, Bouvet, St Helena, etc. For the rest of the year 2006 you will have only left: Sierra Leona, Liberia, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Congo (ex-Zaire), East Timor, Moldavia, St Pierre et Miquelon… and that is all, I think, because forget about Midway, Wake, and Diego Garcia in Chagos archipelago. Excellent performance, congratulations!

In respect of my travel plans, soon I will fly with Lufthansa from Novosibirsk to Lima via Frankfurt. I hope to be able to disembark in Pitcairn with the Maxim Gorky beginning of February, swimming if necessary! And yes, thanks, I will follow your recommendation and I will buy a miniature of the Bounty.


Joined: Nov 03
Points: 727


Posted: 2006-01-04 05:54 PM   
I really liked your baobab gallery!


Joined: Dec 04
Points: 34719

Baobab trees - album

Posted: 2006-01-04 02:37 PM   
Hi Wojciech
Stunning photos. They remind me of a holiday in Zimbabwe.
Cheers, David


Joined: Apr 05
Points: 9510

hello Wojciech's

Posted: 2006-01-04 09:49 AM   
Wonderful photography ! congratulations !

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