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downundergal Catemaco - A travel report by Kerrie
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Catemaco,  Mexico - flag Mexico -  Veracruz-Llave
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downundergal's travel reports

Catemaco and it's two oddities!

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Catemaco travelogue picture
Catemaco is a small town located south of Veracruz and on a large lake of the same name. It has numerous accommodations and restaurants with fresh seafood straight from the lake and it would probably be unknown except for two reasons.
The first - it is known in Mexico as the centre of Brujas or witches . There are numerous shops and fortune tellers in the town should you wish to know anything of your future. As we did not have any need to cast a hex we did not partake but we were told at certain times of the year they are in popular demand.
The second reason that the town is well known is for it's orangatangs. This is not a typing error! There in the middle of the lake is an island where in some misguided experiment some years ago is a colony of overfed giant orange monkeys that has thrived. Yes, you can take a lancha or boat out to view them to make sure your eyes are not playing tricks.

Favourite spots:
Catemaco travelogue picture
My favourite place would have to be the view from the bar situated on a long walkway out in to the lake.

What's really great:
Catemaco travelogue picture
This is really friendly little town. In fact we were lucky enough to be invited to stay with a Mexican family at their ranch for a few days. This is included in my story on Sontecomapan.

The main sights are the orangatangs out on the island.

Catemaco travelogue picture
We stayed at the hotel down on the lake.It's name was Posada Koniapan. Most rooms have views of the lake and it has a small swimming pool, as the weather is so humid it is nice to be able to take a dip. There are also some hammocks strung up between the palm trees to chill out on.When you get off at the bus station you turn left away from the town centre. It cost us 250 pesos a night for a double.

Catemaco travelogue picture
There are no outstanding restaurants. Most serve fresh fish from the lake.

Other recommendations:
Catemaco travelogue picture
Make sure you see the towns main church or Iglesia. It is really pretty, colonial spanish in style with metallic decorations that glint and sparkle in the sun.

Published on Wednesday September 25th, 2002

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