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Christl's Travel log

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Log entries 51 - 60 of 63 Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Oct 06, 2007 02:00 PM Rajasthan, Delhi, and Mumbai, India 2007

I am counting the days. Suitcase is packed, flat tidied up, flowers taken care of, friends said good bye to, gotten all the best wishes, the only thing on my "list": relax, sleep, when ever it is possible and read the history of India. Sun is shining, the sky is blue - a nice farewell.

Aug 30, 2005 02:00 PM Mayne Island did not loose its magic.

It did take a few days to get organised. But I found all things at the same place, as there is the Springwater Lodge, where you can sit on the deck in the evening to see the sunset and have something to eat and to drink, and the Root Seller, my favorite B&B, where I live in the charming fireplace room, and certainly there is True Value, where I go and buy my food. In the evening there was a concert in the Village Green, and they played all night. Kayaking is arranged and I am curious whether I still can make it as I can't do it easily at home.

Aug 24, 2005 02:00 PM Still Mayne Island

The summer is gorgeous. I dread to go back, the news don't sound good, no sunshine, but rain, no, I do not want to think about that. But instead I will enjoy the last days, sitting on the deck of the Springwater Lodge eating shrimps and salmon and have a nice margarita, going out kayaking, feeling the waves under my boat and the wind in my face. I nearly made it around the whole island and loved it. And in the night I lay in my bed, overlook Active Pass and the ferries go by, and I count the stars, and in the morning when I awake the sky is pink and the world is new.

Aug 21, 2005 02:00 PM Ever again Mayne Island

Excuse me, excuse me, not to have written sooner, but I have a schedule like a manager: Every other day I go kayaking, which is wonderful but makes me quite tired. So I have to rest, means visiting people, sitting on the deck of the Springwater Lodge and looking out to Active Pass, see the ferries coming in and going out. Yes, I have bee over to Saltspring Island by watertaxi. The drive out is beautiful and Ganges has some nice shops and specially book shops, hmmm. And I have been over to Sidney, the bookish town, hmmm, but with all the new development it is losing its charme, it once has been such a charming town. I met my Scottish friend, elegant and bright as ever. She just turned 84 years. I only have this week left and I will be in a hurry to get to Victoria for a day and to make it over to Saturna Island by kayak. Pray God that I will make it, although I am quite decisive to make it. So long.

Aug 12, 2005 02:00 PM Mayne Island again

When you stay on the island for some length of time and when you have repeated your visits and when it is Saturday and the market is on at the Agricultural Hall, you recognise the people and some do recognise you, and they fill you in on what has happened since you have been there last.
You get all the stories: Who sold their property, whose is on the market, whose marriage broke up and whose marriage was mended, who died, who is still doing well and who had to give up life on the island because he or she can't drive a car anymore and so on.
It is like returning to another life you have had. All are delighted to see you, comment on your good and healthy looks, and you feel well. And sun is shining and warms your skin. But you know better. Life is hard on the island in these times because there isn't much work so the people have to make ends meet in doing several jobs at the same time although there is always something to do and money to earn, but prices went up and up the last years and some even have to leave the island and their way of life to find jobs and houses they can pay for.

Aug 10, 2005 02:00 PM Quadra Island - revisited

Going up Vancouver Island in wonderful BC weather is a treat. The bus follows the old highway, along the ocean side through all this old towns and villages, some of them changed a bit to adjust to modern times, but you still see the old houses, surrounded by old trees and beautiful gardens. These people love flowers and there is abundance of it. It was a journey into the past. I can't count the times I went up island with my friends.
On Quadra Island I met my second family, who told me: "Life is good." All have work and are doing well, are relaxed and content. And the kids have a good life too, they grow up with a lot of freedom and space. The older ones are cooping well with their situation in life and the island is friendly with them. They still can drive their car on the island, because there isn't much traffic. And it is quiet. Campbell River is nearby with all facilites an older person might need.
Out there are beautiful properties at the waterfront, some people are relly spoiled.
And in the evening you out with this small boat , do a tour around Rebecca Spit And the sun sets in the West and colours the world. The herons are back to shore. And people sit out at the beach, having a fire going and talking to one another, the kids are still playing their games until the night falls.
It is another way of life on the islands far away from the hustle and bustle of towns, even when illness and failing healthand all those problems of a changing world is getting to them as everywhere.

Aug 04, 2005 02:00 PM Mayne Island, the beautiful

Going out of Bennett Bay by kayak, means going through a maze of Canada Geese, those wonderful elegant animals, grazing on the beach. I went over to the secluded Horton Bay, on my way meeting Scottish sheep on an island, owned by a family, saw the seals popping up out of the water to view me, deer coming out of the woods, which crown these islands, observing the doings on the sea, and the herons, standing motionless at the waters edge. It's so peaceful, were it not for those terrible loud whale watching boats which do not take care of the smaller crafts, which have to disappear out of their way as fast as possible. I am very good at this!
Tomorrow I will go up Vancouver Island to Quadra Island to see my friends.

Aug 03, 2005 02:00 PM Still on Mayne Island

Today was the day of all days: I went kayaking!!! And I made it!!! And the world out there is a dream. I am so much stronger than I ever have been. It is miracle!

Jul 29, 2005 02:00 PM Mayne Island, the magic island

Travelling from Tsawwassen to Mayne Island is always something you cannot plan. You think the ferry will leave 10.15, until you realise it starts to get out of the harbour 10.55, but nobody complains, nobody has a schedule, and even if he had it wouldn't help. You arrive at Galiano Island and you are still hoping that the cab is waiting for you on Mayne Island, when you hear that someone is asked to move his car, because he has parked it so cleverly that nobody can leave the ferry. Takes another 20 minutes. Still nobody complains. Then finally you realise that the ferry will first stop at Mayne Island not Pender Harbour and you are just on deck 5 and the elevator takes ages to appear. But you make it and - oh wonder - the cab is still there and you get to know that the Tinkerers (a B&B) are not at home, but that he knows where to park you, namely in the sunshine room. Then he does some telefon calls and finally drives you up to Miners Bay where you find the whole house open and empty and make yourself at home. Mayne Island, where the time runs differently, has me back again.

Jul 26, 2005 02:00 PM Still in Vancouver

The last entry was yesterday as everybody will have realised. You don't see the rich people coming to town except when a fancy car rushes by, but you see the business people, all dressed alike like everywhere in the world, and naturally you see the tourists, walking around, camera in position, map in hand. If you sit at some place long enough or walk a street several times at different times of the day you start to distinguish the people and you see those who don't belong. They don't beg, yet they move as if they have a purpose, only you recognise, they only walk, to forget the time and their shabby life, they can't change.

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