Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340
KL and Jakrta
Posted: 2008-05-10 02:48 PM  
Hey Marianne,
Isn't KL wonderful; I really enjoyed every bit of this city and will definitely go again.
With regards to Jakarta, I found it a little like Delhi, so I will reserve my judgement. But I think it's more about what the rest of Java has to offer.
It's nice to hear from you.
Joined: Aug 02
Points: 1001
Posted: 2008-05-10 04:34 AM  
... why Aachen or Aken ;-)
for a very simple reason - the love!
However, for my job I drive to my former base Bonn almost every day.
I have never been to Eindhoven, even I grew up next to Venlo. It's only 45 min to go and the only part of the city I have seen is the airport. Shame on me... But if I'd like to visit the city one day, you will have suggestions to go, I guess?
groetjes, Nico
Joined: Feb 04
Points: 4857
Tourists and Locals
Posted: 2008-04-15 02:46 AM  
I have seen 'Tourists and Locals'.
All those people gave me a feeling of live as its is.
Well done.
Joined: Jul 06
Points: 1155
Hello Marianne
Posted: 2008-03-27 05:24 PM  
Thanks for your comment. That picture was the only incident that caught my eye. The oaks and palms grow separately; I guess that was just a fluke.
Joined: Jun 07
Points: 11080
Posted: 2008-03-26 01:36 PM  
Hi Marianne,
I'm glad you liked my pictures from Prague. As you can see I'm still uploading pics I made almost two years ago. I've been working hard recently and therefore less active on Globo. Probably my workload will ease slightly soon, so I hope to share more pictures and finish a few reports. I'm also going to spend a day or two taking photos in Warsaw. Soon I'm buying a better lens for my camera to replace the kit one. I'm also waiting for better weather. I do remember I promised you posting some pictures of the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw. I hope I'll manage to find two spare days in April and look around with my camera.
I will keep my fingers crossed for you finding accommodation in Vienna and Prague. I love both cities and would love to visit them again.
Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340
Posted: 2008-03-25 05:11 PM  
Hello Marianne,
Thanks for your comments. I think I wrote this report about a year ago and was in two minds of publishing it, as it has been a while since I was in NYC. The pictures are really retro - late 80s early 90s. I never seem to walk around with my camera, like when I vacation, as my aim in NY is always to blend into the community. Maybe it's time for different type of trip.
All the best
Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340
Welcome back
Posted: 2008-03-13 10:00 PM  
I hope you had a lovely vacation, I can't wait to see some of your pictures.
Thanks for your comments; although I wasn't in the number 1 spot for very long. Not that it matters, but its all just a bit of fun.
Anyway, when I get back I will share some of my stories.
All the best
Joined: Jan 08
Points: 84174
How often do I travel?
Posted: 2008-03-11 12:36 PM  
Hi Marianne,
I have 26 days of paid holiday plus about 8 days of public holiday, which I use for travel. Not much. I know I should've worked as a teacher with three months holiday plus public holidays or in a French bank with 14 weeks of vacation on top of some 13 days of public holidays.... ;)
It might sound that I travel excessively since I post a lot of material, but the majority of the reports, travel tips, etc are my past experiences, which I had not submitted before as I only have been a GLOBO member since 23 January this year. I am just catching up.
Joined: Sep 04
Points: 534
Thank you
Posted: 2008-03-11 08:25 AM  
Thank you too accepted me to your friends list. I would like to see more of your pictures from Kerala. Regards, Ajay.K.R
Joined: Jan 08
Points: 19
Beautiful experiences
Posted: 2008-03-10 08:46 AM  
Hi Marianne, Thanks for your note. By surprise I found GlOBOsapiens with very nice pictures en travel-stories. For me very important to have the feeling being in contact (in some way) with beautiful people and places on our planet. For this year I have plans to stay home, most of the time, because my wife is ill (MS). The past years we have been in Norway. I have a lot of pictures, not made bij a digital camera. Again thanks for your nice words en interest. I wish you a lot of beautiful experiences. Fred