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Petra's Guest Book

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I hate empty guestbooks.... :-)

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Joined: Oct 02
Points: 75102

Thank you, my friend

Posted: 2013-01-19 11:04 PM   
Thank you for your wishes, dear Petra. The beginning was terrible, but now everything goes well.
Greetings from the Carribean paradise.
Please find the fresh flowers for you in my gallery :)


Joined: Aug 02
Points: 6484

Slide show India

Posted: 2012-11-08 11:13 AM   
Hi Petra,
thank you for your comment on my slide show India. It was a fascinating journey. I am now working on my photos of my journey through Iran. I never saw such a country. It will take a while until I have digested what I have experienced.
Take care.


Joined: Oct 02
Points: 75102

I am sure I make more errors... :)

Posted: 2012-11-05 08:03 PM   
Dear Petra
Thank you so much for your warm words. Do not care about "time". I made more errors... :)
I am just preparing my presentations for the annual meeting of Polish globetrotters... I hope to meet there many old friends and to see slides from all over the world. It is nice to see again on the screen the places I saw many years ago, to know if they changed or not... Want you join us on the coming weekend in the south of Poland?
Warm regards


Joined: Aug 02
Points: 6484

Your comment on my Iran photo

Posted: 2012-11-05 07:50 AM   
Thankyou. It eas indeed amazing. I stood there with open mouth.


Joined: Jan 05
Points: 6577

Hallo Petra

Posted: 2012-09-16 06:10 PM   
How re you? I liked your new profile picture too. We travelled to west of Turkey this year, that was very nice, I am uploading pics as I can find some time.

best wishes,


Joined: Sep 04
Points: 11274

Thank you

Posted: 2012-09-01 12:03 PM   
Hi Petra,

Yes the vikings are here every day from 5 a.m.

My daughter is working as a make-up artist on the film set.

Your new profile picture is great!


Joined: Sep 04
Points: 11274

Thank you

Posted: 2012-09-01 12:03 PM   
Hi Petra,

Yes the vikings are here every day from 5 a.m.

My daughter is working as a make-up artist on the film set.

Your new profile picture is great!


Joined: Dec 05
Points: 13399

Profile picture

Posted: 2012-08-28 08:21 AM   
Hi Petra,

I like very much new profile picture. How are you, any travels soon?

Have a good day


Joined: Feb 06
Points: 5705

Thanks for congrates

Posted: 2012-08-17 04:08 PM   
Petra, It is my pleasure to be near you. Really you are as a good friend beside me and help to me.

I think you were better than me :)
please accept my warmest thank you
best regards


Joined: Mar 08
Points: 34801

Hi Petra

Posted: 2012-07-27 10:23 AM   
Thank you!
Thank you very much for your congratulations, the more that the first docenilas my picture, apparently, brought me luck.
Petra, please, accept my congratulations for MOM!!!
You deserve the reward of 100%.
Good luck!

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