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Petra's Guest Book

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I hate empty guestbooks.... :-)

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Joined: Apr 12
Points: 3

A bunch of thanks

Posted: 2012-04-08 05:55 PM   
Hi Petra,

Thank you so much for your effort and help. I really appreciate your warm and kind attitude. I will surely come back and sign your guestbook again once I have a thorough and close look at your travel site.


Joined: Mar 06
Points: 6237

thank you :)

Posted: 2012-04-07 07:05 PM   
Hi dear Petra.thanks for your warm messege in my guestbook.i am fine..much better at the time.
i am passing my days working as a doctor.I like my job and that has made m,y life amazing.i hope you have the best moments in your life with your family.
warm wishes from farnaz.


Joined: May 10
Points: 7678


Posted: 2012-04-01 10:09 PM   
a lovely village, captured so nicely in your photos. guess i will not get to the fallen leaves today and headed out of town for two weeks. maybe at the end of the month. be well. n.


Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340


Posted: 2012-03-30 02:37 PM   
Hello Petra

Yes my family are, thank god - things have settled down.

I'm really happy as this year I get to travel. Next week I'm off to Jordan. I really can't wait.

I hope things continue to be good with you.

Happy travels


Joined: Dec 05
Points: 13399


Posted: 2012-03-29 03:12 PM   

Congratulations on winning PoM. It is good that you brought some spring here. I also hope that it will be also the spring for Globosapiens, with many active members :)
Thank you very much for your congrats on my AoM. It gave my a lot of pleasure to create this album and brought back good memories. I hope to publish my Cambodia report soon :)

Have a good day


Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340


Posted: 2012-03-29 01:55 PM   
Hey Petra,

What a wonderful springtime picture. Congrats on getting POM.



Joined: Oct 02
Points: 75102

The blossom...

Posted: 2012-03-29 03:15 AM   
Hello my friend...
So nice to see this tree in blossom... The spring is coming - also to GS. Congratulations of PoM!


Joined: Dec 05
Points: 13399

Hi Petra

Posted: 2012-03-21 10:35 PM   
Many thanks for your comment about mine Cambodia album. This country is stunning and I regret that I had no more time to see other places than Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. However maybe one day :) we never know...

Have a nice day


Joined: May 10
Points: 7678


Posted: 2012-03-19 12:09 AM   
thanks so much for visiting my latest berlin images. and yes, pictures of the fallen leaves are to follow in the next installment, among others. when i get to them, two weeks off at least.

i must say that the berlin jewish museum was spectacular. we spent three hours plus there and never even got to the material on WWII, spent it all on the upper floors with the medieval and r&r period. an astounding collection of historical material. then the museum closed and we were ushered out. rushed out, more like it.

and the building itself is to my mind a sculpture as well as a building, with the voids and tower.

bedtime, have a good week. n.


Joined: Jan 09
Points: 4244

Powys castle

Posted: 2012-03-08 07:12 PM   
Hi Pesu

Re Powys castle and Kates flowers.

Must admit my ignorace, do not know if flowers came from Powys Castle Gardens, spent a while on the net but could only find of interest, that all the flowers came from royal gardens and estates.

It seem they had two or three different type of trees actually brought into the abbey at a cost of 50,000 pounds, OK for some!!

Keep well


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