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Fukui - A travel report by Brad
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Fukui,  Japan - flag Japan -  Fukui
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sven_ak's travel reports

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Fukui travelogue picture
Fukui is out of most travelers way, but I hope this will help out! I lived in Takefu for one year (in the prefecture of Fukui) so I will give suggestions that you may not read in any books. Fukui is located on the Sea of Japan due west of Tokyo. Is is north of Osaka/Kyoto by about an hour and twenty minutes via train. The city of Fukui (Fukui-shi) was leveled during WWII by the allies and again by an earthquake. They did not do much to make the city shiny and new, however. It still does have its charm. The city is located more-so center of the prefecture which gives it a good point of contact to the rest of the area.

Fukui is as "natureque" as you can get. Walk five minutes in any direction and you will be in the most beautiful forests of Japan.

Favourite spots:
Fukui travelogue picture
Tojin-Bo is beautiful. Octagon shaped pillars jet out from the sea from volcanic activity a long time ago (50 years, 10,000 years????) A bridge connects the mainland with an island that is said to be haunted and if you can find some locals who speak English, they will tell you some fun stories (and scary ones if the mood is right). Imadate is a great little mountain town and I would highly suggest driving east of Imadate through the mountains. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

What's really great:
Fukui travelogue picture
The people, the food, the sights. You are in a mountainous area and the people reflect the nature. Well worth it! If you go to Imadate, check out the washi factory. It is closed now, but open as a museum where they make a local paper. Very fine paper in this region and was told among the best in Japan.

This photo is in a hallway at Eihiji Temple.

Fukui travelogue picture
This is a statue at Eihiji Temple about an hour drive from Fukui-shi (city). This temple is a must with over 70 buildings from a 13th century Buddist Temple. It is about 400yen entrance fee (four US dollars). Buses leave at their set times so be sure to be on your designated bus...easy to be left behind.

Many places to stay here, hotel reservations are not necessary. Hotel Akebono is a good bet located right on the river.

Many...Japanese like to drink beer!

Published on Tuesday September 17th, 2002

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