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yeikloen Kawaguchi - A travel report by Yeik Loen
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Kawaguchi,  Japan - flag Japan -  Yamanashi
4632 readers

yeikloen's travel reports


  10 votes

Kawaguchi travelogue picture
There are Five lakes overlooking Mount Fuji in the Yamanashi Perfecture, I was actually going to another lake but when we got to the bus, Kawaguchi Lake which is about 100km away from Tokyo, There is a bus from Shinjuku Bus Station which takes about 2 hours to get there with very nice scenery along the way.

Favourite spots:
Kawaguchi travelogue picture
There was a few interesting spot to visit actually around this town but I just fell in love with the scenery of the Mount Fuji and stayed there until dusk.

What's really great:
It was very quiet town, there wasn't many car except on the way back to the bus station there was a pretty bad jam. But it was a very nice town to walk around for a day.

Kawaguchi travelogue picture
Mount Fuji over the Kawaguchi Lake

Kawaguchi travelogue picture
We ate in this Japanese Restaurant Hotel, can't remember the name but it has got a very good view of Mount Fuji.

Published on Sunday December 7th, 2003

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