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shotclog Halifax - A travel report by Nat
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Halifax,  Canada - flag Canada -  Nova Scotia
3221 readers

shotclog's travel reports

Halifax -- City Amidst the Waters

  4 votes

Halifax travelogue picture
Halifax is rich with history, mostly dealing with the importance of being a port city. Many explorers, armies, and immigrants came this way. Today it's a small bustling city which still holds its relationship with the water as important. Downtown holds a little village atomosphere in some parts; a relaxing place to get lost. Unfortunately time seemed to go by so fast there and my week seemed to just zip by too soon.

Favourite spots:
Halifax travelogue picture
Water Street, Barrington Street (especially at night), Pleasant Point Park, Dalhousie University, and Bayer Shopping Center.

What's really great:
Halifax travelogue picture
I went hiking at Spectacle Lake Park in neighboring Dartmouth. I went off the gravel trail and wound up on a dirt trail that went for miles deep into the forest. I would recommend this only to the heartiest of hikers. I hiked four hours in the heat, humidity, and rain, without seeing another human being, before I found civilization once again. But the forest was beautiful and I loved the whole experience.

Halifax travelogue picture
I took the Double-Decker bus tour and got a good look at the sites, of which this city is proud, and got a lot of history of the area. You can buy a ticket and catch this bus near the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, near the intersection of Lower Water and Duke.

Halifax travelogue picture
Bayview Motor Inn
50 Bedford Highway
Halifax, NS B3M 2J2
(902) 443-0416

Halifax travelogue picture
1) The Old Triangle Irish Alehouse -- 5136 Prince Street
2) Alexander Keith's Nova Scotia Brewery -- 1496 Lower Water Street
3) Pogue Fado -- 1581 Barrington Street

Other recommendations:
Halifax travelogue picture
Javanet.Cafe (5982 Spring Garden Road) to get on-line while sipping your coffee.

Published on Saturday August 2th, 2003

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