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fiftynotes Potosi - A travel report by Mark
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Potosi,  Bolivia - flag Bolivia -  Potosí
2563 readers

fiftynotes's travel reports

Blowing thing up in Bolivia

  9 votes
I entered Bolivia via Copacabana on the shore of Lake Titicaca and traveled to La Paz, The road in gave a beautiful view of La Paz. With lots to do in Bolivia I only stayed one day.

La Paz
La Paz
From La Paz traveled to Cochabamba and was very disapointed as the crime rate was very high, due to the drug problem, one man stood just · feet from me had his phone snatched from him and instead of shouting after the thief he just scrugged his shoulders and walked off. Decided to get out of here ASAP. I traveled over night to Potosi and on arrivel found it to be a very relaxed and safe place.

Favourite spots:
Potosi travelogue picture
Potosi main industry is mining for silver and boys enter the mines from the age of about 13 and normally die of silicosis pneumonia within 10 to 15 years of entering the mine. The mine is a cooperative and they run guided tours to help with medical exspences and pensions!. Before going to the mines we were kitted out with cloths and helmets and taken to the miners market where we could buy drinks, coca leaves and dynamite for the miners. we bought an extra stick of dynamite to set off ourselves at 18 Boliviano´s about 1.40 pounds. We traveled about 1km in and 80m down the mine and some of the passages we were on all fours. All the work is done by hand from pushing trolleys to making the holes for the dynamite, a 12 inch long by 1 inch diameter hole takes between 3 to 4 hours to make using a hammer and chisel in very cramped and hot conditions.

What's really great:
Potosi travelogue picture
When we exited the mine the guides made a bomb from the dynamite and placed it about 50 yards from us and lit the fuse, after about 30 seconds the dynamite exploded with one hell of a bang and the shock wave hit us like a punch in the chest. After the bang and for about an hour after we could still smell and taste the dynamite.

Potosi travelogue picture
Potosi has plenty of Hotels and Hostals at very reasonable prices, I chose Hostal Felimar which was very clean and tidy and cost 50 B about 3pounds 50p a night and included breakfast and had a tv in the room.

Other recommendations:
Potosi travelogue picture
On the outskirt of Potosi there is the Pari Orcko tower that has a revolving restaurant at the top and gives a 360 degree view of the town. You do not have to have a meal in the restaurant but its a nice place to eat and watch the world revolve around you. the tower is about 100 feet high and does one full revolution an hour.

Published on Wednesday June 18th, 2008

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