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mikebarton Tillaberi - A travel report by Mike
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Tillaberi,  Niger - flag Niger -  Niamey
3840 readers

mikebarton's travel reports

Tillaberi - at the end of the road.

  9 votes

Things may have changed since 1993 but back then Tillaberi was where the sealed road ended on the way west out of Niger. The town is on the bank of the Niger. About 40km beyond the town is Ayorou which has a weekly market.

Favourite spots:
A Nigerian family run a small milling business at the western edge of the town. All the chaff has settled and makes a great place just to sit and gossip.

What's really great:
The piroguier from Ghana. He worked on the river on the Western edge of town. Huge character and conversation.

I believe it was called the Relais Touristique. Modest but good.

Other recommendations:
Tillaberi travelogue picture
The weekly market at Ayorou. Tillaberi has its own market three days a week I believe. The Ayorou market brings in nomads from the surrounding areas. Donkeys, camels, people , noise and atmosphere. Hugely recommended. The journey between Ayorou and Tillaberi was a lot of fun when I went. This picture was taken on the return journey. The "bus" kept breaking down.

Published on Sunday July 14th, 2002

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Tue, Mar 21 2006 - 10:19 AM rating by marcosfonsec

Very good! Tkank you.

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