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Eire's Guest Book

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Joined: Mar 08
Points: 34801

Hello Eire.

Posted: 2009-11-10 10:01 AM   
Thanks for the congratulations. If you visit kiedys Poland, will see with their own eyes what I described in the report.
All the best.


Joined: Sep 04
Points: 16785

thank u Eire!

Posted: 2009-11-10 12:54 AM   
hiya Eire

Thank u....and hope u r feeling the mist (";), perhaps some day u will go there too.

off to my next holiday soon,



Joined: Apr 07
Points: 6377


Posted: 2009-11-04 08:37 PM   
Eire, that's so funny, I've never heard that version! The animals would have been lovely...thanks for the wishes!



Joined: Jan 09
Points: 4244

Big bug

Posted: 2009-11-04 08:02 PM   
Ugly thing isnt it, aboout an inch and a quarter long, I did not see it fly, but it had gone by morning.


Joined: Sep 09
Points: 1652

Hello, thaks for your remark

Posted: 2009-11-04 10:04 AM   
Ok, we added some more info to our repport. However it is not that easy, we are not humansist, but only engineers...
Best GloboRegards :)


Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340

Nude men

Posted: 2009-11-03 10:34 AM   

I was a little shocked when I saw this and really thought that someone was 'trying to pull a fast one' when they said it was allowed. But as yet no one has told me different.

But you would never guess something like that would be legitimate in Europe. Funny huh!



Joined: Aug 09
Points: 4756


Posted: 2009-10-29 10:58 PM   
Hi Eire,
Thank for your sweet words.
It is heavy to go to the hospital every day but I know that it wil only make things better.
And yes, I also book my holiday for dec.20 to go to Costa Rica because I think that the cancer of my throat is gone then!!!!!!!!!
Hope that I can post some lovely pictures from there and I think about that and than the way to the hospital is not so bad for me.
Thanks again!!
Warm regards,


Joined: Mar 08
Points: 34801

Hi Eire,

Posted: 2009-10-28 08:05 AM   
Thank you for your opinion on my report. It was truly amazing. It is worth to see and experience a similar adventure.
Best regards,


Joined: Jul 08
Points: 15863

You already know, Eire,

Posted: 2009-10-26 08:19 PM   
how fascinated I am by your pics of this magical lake and the life around. Very nice to have them now collected in a beautiful slide show - thank you! :)


Joined: Jan 09
Points: 13045

Blue waters, blue skies and green hills.

Posted: 2009-10-26 08:07 PM   
Hi Eire,
Just enjoyed watching your slideshow from Lake Atitlan, my fav pic is number 7. A fine collection, nicely put together with good information.
Best Regards

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