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You can lose everything, but nobody will take away what you saw and what you experienced...

Log entries 91 - 100 of 3073 Page: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Aug 31, 2024 12:00 AM Long walk to the airport..

Long walk to the airport.. In the Sport Hostel I stay I met Italian couple travelling by car. Are they friendly? I mentioned that I am an old traveller and ot is 3,5 kms walk to the airport. But for them trvellers solidarity is an abstraction. It takes only 5 minutes by car to give me a lift threre! They said no! Those Italians! Do not worry! It tookr 50 min walk in the temperature pf 32 deg Celsius to reach a new terminal. Only the shirt was wet under the backpack! The Cluj tetrminal is new and bright, but do not expect here any money exchange point! Security do not care any more about the water in your cabin baggage. The flight to Warsaw should be on time. I hope that the next one - Warsaw Gdansk will be on time too. This is the happy end of one more interesting journey!

Aug 30, 2024 12:00 AM Cluj Napoca - the capital of Transilvania

Cluj Napoca - the capital of Transilvania I an still in Romania. It is sunny and the day temperature dropped down to 28 deg Celsius... Cluj is a lovely university city with more than 300 thousands inhabitants. In the restored old part of the city you can find a lot of churches of different religions. Also imposing statues and green parks. A lot of young people around! I was disappointed pnly by the remains of yhe citadel on the hill on the other side of the river: only two small bhistoric buildings remained and the panoramic view from the hill is not imposing... But there are different activities: wine festival in the central park and jazz festival in the ethno skansen. Imagine that in the supermarkets they offer 2 l of Romanian wine for 10 lei - 2 euro! Your health!

Aug 29, 2024 12:00 AM To the top of Transalpina!

To the top of Transalpina! We expected that it will be a long day so already at 8.30 am we were on the road... First stage took us to the village of Novaci, where we found ourselves on the road 67C - the famous mountain road crossing the Carpathian Mountains. Them theroad is climbing up in many switchbacks to the level of 2145 m above the sea, passing tourist village Ranca with many small pensions and great views of the range. We were lucky regarding the weather: blue sky with only few clouds. But up there the temperature was only 15 deg with cold wind so it was necessary to wear the jacket. Few travellers know that there are two terrain culminations on Transalpina one by one
First one has altitude 2145 m bit no parking space here. Thend the road goes down and climbs again to the level 2112. Here is a space to park the car near the ugly tourist bazaar. After few pictures ee escaped down... On the upper border of the forest we met donkeys on the road and big herd of sheep. Then driving long time down the valley we reached the nice artificial lake and the dam. There were two smaller dams on our eay further down. Finally, saying goodbye to Transalpina we used for yhe girst time on this trip the new highway to reach big city Cluj Napoca at 4.30 pm. One more fantastic day!

Aug 28, 2024 12:00 AM Craiova in Romania

Craiova in Romania Craiova - the capital of Pltenia province where I spent the day is nowadays an elegant city with nice parks and monuments to see. The day was sunny and hot with some 34 deg Celsius in the shade, so we started from the visit in th the big Romanescu Park with shady aleys, fountain in the lake and suspended bridge. Botanical garden on the other end of downtown is also worth a visit to see colorful flower beds and small turtles pn the Japanese island. But the most beautiful building in Craiova is the former palace housing now art museum (free entry!) Ot looks like French palaca from 18th century,.. Rich Ethnography Museum near the dark cathedral is also worth a visit, if you are ready yo pay few lei for entry. Tourist info office is closed for restoration but I got a city map for free in the reception of the first elegant hotel on my city trail. Nice and hot day!

Aug 27, 2024 12:00 AM Up in the mountains..

Up in the mountains.. There are two extreme mountain roads in Romania. One of them - Transfogaras starts close to the city of Fogaras and climbs to the level os 2040 m above the sea. This was our target for today! But in the morning it was cloudy and we experienced the rain. At 8.30 we went to the Fogaras fortres converted into interesting museum. When we completed our visit the sun was shining again and we began our drive through the forest and mountain shrubs with many switchbacks. We wer stopping many times for the pictures and to enjoy the landscape.
There is a tunnel at the top of the road - under the pass. And then - spectacular descent. On this stage the main attraction are Carpathian bears waiting on the road for food - we met them on 7 places! There is also high dam on the river and huge artificial lake. Ot was long, but very interesting day! We are spending the night on the city of Craiova...

Aug 26, 2024 12:00 AM Two monasteries and two walled churches

Two monasteries and two walled churches Fron Sucevita, where we spent last night we were driving today first to Humor Monastery in Bukovina Mts (unfortunately you can see here only inside frescos - they restore outside ones) and Voronet monastery church listed on the Unesco World Heritage. Both places are nice, but not as nice as Sucevita!
Winding and narrow mountain roads took us later to the region of fortified churches built by German settlers. Before sunset we had a chance to see two of them, both present on UNESCO list: Saschiz - (very tall church, but poor inside, 6 lei entry fee) and the real jewel: Viscri - very authentic and unique regarding architecture. They charge there from seniors 8 lei entry fee, but ot is absolutely worth. It was already evening, when we drove to historic city of Fogaras for overnight stay. I registered hige citadel surrounded by the wide mot and bright, new orthodox cathedral. Tiring but very interesting day!

Aug 25, 2024 12:00 AM Two monasteries

Two monasteries In 1972,.just after my univarsity graduation, in the time of black &white photography I packed immediately my backpack and took the train to travel via Lviv and Vadil Siret to Romania. I disembarked in Suceava and started mountain walk from monastery to monastery, hosted and feed by friendly monks. Today I experienced sentimental journey, visiting two most beautiful monasteries of Bucovina: Sucevita and Moldovita. I really woked up the memories! The monasteries are still beautiful with its fantastic frescos, and collection of roses in the courtyard, surrounded by green mountains. Only the monks are not as friendly as 52 years ago! Lovely day (32 deg Celsius) We reached our Octavian pension only at 4.30 pm after many photo stops on the way!

Aug 24, 2024 12:00 AM Drivng to Sigishoara...

Drivng to Sigishoara... Lovely, sunny day. 30+ deg Celsius. We were driving country roads first to Biertan - one of UNESCO sites in Romania. Imagine high gotic walled church located in the hill with the rolling hills in the background! They charge from seniors 15 lei entry fee ( no discounts) but it is worth! This kind of fortified churches were build here in 15th century by the colonists from Germany. They are very unique!
Just 25 kms away lies lovely, historic town of Sighishoara, also present on the UNESCO World Heritage list. Old Town is located here on the hill, surrounded by city walls with towers and is the main attraction. Quite a lot of tourists in the cobbled streets... Nice view of the city from the hill... Lovely day!

Aug 23, 2024 12:00 AM Targu Mures

Targu Mures I landed with 20 minutes delay in TGM airport. The building is under reconstruction. Crowded little halls. But the immigration control is quite fast. Then - in crowded little square in front I found mini- bus waiting for those passenger who do not want to take a taxi.
On the airport I did not see any information desk. Car rentals windows only! The minibus took me to the center of the city - some 15 kms away for 10 lei (2 euro) - the fare is on display, no discounts.aim attractions of the city are sprayed along the main street: ornate palace of the culture, cathedral, catholic church. At the end of this green promenade you will find castle hill with many interesting buildings. I live in the narrow Bailor Street at the bottom of the hill. Nice city! Welcome again in Romania!

Aug 22, 2024 12:00 AM I am flying, but to the west!

I am flying, but to the west! Strong presence of low-cost airlines in Europe is changing my air routings. At 5 am, in the dark but watm morning I was walking from my Wojtkówka to the Gdansk airport, to board the 2,5 hours flight to London Luton. This airport has no transit zone so if you have the connection here after arrival you must go through immigration control, turn to departure hall to be controlled again by security... Sun is shining, but it is windy. I am waiting for the another cheap flight to Romania. Sometimes it is worth make a big loop, but to pay in total much less than for the direct flight!

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