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Wojciech's Travel log

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You can lose everything, but nobody will take away what you saw and what you experienced...

Log entries 51 - 60 of 3073 Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Oct 30, 2024 12:00 AM Walking to Waikiki

Walking to Waikiki Aloha!
Sunny day in Honolulu. I took a long walk trying to visit again the places I know from previous visits: Aloha Tower, Ioalani Palace, monument of the king Kamehameha and missionaries houses - all on the way to the most famous beach in the world - Waikiki. Lovely 6- km walk with many photo opportunities. Waiki is still great place to meet tourists from all over the world! The ocean is warm, the girls are beautiful, more elegant skyscrapers and palms. What a day! At the sunset we are departing to California... Just warm Aloha to you!

Oct 29, 2024 12:00 AM Aloha Hawaii!

Aloha Hawaii! This morning, after 11 days at I finally saw again the land! We docked in Honolulu at pier 2 passenger terminal. They planed disbarking by deck. Since O am at deck 1 I had "priority". The ship did not have proper info: initially the stopped Ruropean passengers to fill green arrival card. Sorry, no cards in the terminal so they decided let us go without card and any stamps in the passports!!! Bordello! Excursion bus was wayting pn the other side of the arrival hall. But sorry... No wifi in the terrminal. Am I in the advanced USA?
I decided to take a tour to see again after years famous Polynesian Cultural Center operating on the other side of the Oahu island. Before the bus departed we experienced warm rain...
Wow. I was so disappointed! Surprise! On arrival to PCC the sun appeared! We spent there 4 hours walking village to village. There is 6 of them plur Rapa Nui reconstructed ahu. Tonga, Samoa, New Zealand, Tahiti, Fiji... Dancing, national music, presentations - just fantastic place to refresh memories from my visits on those islands. What a lovely day! It was raining again in the evening! :) Aloha from Hawaii!

Oct 28, 2024 12:00 AM Made of water melon!

Made of water melon! Lovely, sunny day on the ocean... I spent an hour on the strong sun, but no more - I don't want to suffer and I hate those sun-screens! :). Everybody is getting ready for the landing in Honolulu tomorrow.
On the deck we had presentation of fruit and veggies carving. Imagine flowers and faces made of water melon, carrots and other fruits. Great work was done by the cooks from Philippines!

Oct 27, 2024 12:00 AM Second Sunday 27 October!

Second Sunday 27 October! Lovely day at sea. Blue ocean around. Strong sun...
Last evening in the theater I attended Rock Revolution 69.
Very dynamic show with plenty of technical tricks, laser lights and lighting drones flying over the public. 8 singers and the rock band presented excellent performance with the music of 70ties. The best show on this ship so far!

Oct 27, 2024 12:00 AM 27th October. Sunday, First Sunday!

27th October. Sunday, First Sunday! Sunday! Do you know that the surface of the Pacific is bigger than the surface of all continents toogether? Today around 10 am we crossed meridian 180 deg - International Date Line. So tomorrow we will celebrate Second Sunday, Oct 27th. There was dancing party near the pool and souvenir photography of the crowd of the passengers. There is 3300 of us on this cruise, but only a fraction showed up. Sorry, no champagne for everybody, but free ice cream - why not? There are four self-service distributors on the deck 10 and I use them frequently! Enjoy first Sunday!

Oct 25, 2024 12:00 AM Captain's cocktail today!

Captain's cocktail today! Lovely, sunny day. Blue and completely empty ocean around. 29 deg Celsius in the shade. We are passing Marshall Islands, but they are not visible on the starboard (right) side of the ship... Well, I visited Marshall's twice: once staying on the capital atoll, second time - sailing on the small motor boat to remote Arno Atoll. Memories, memories...
Our Italian captain Luca invited us for the captain's coctail. He is my 41st captain! Champagne and wine were unlimited, but the best thing was the music from my best times. We took informal picture. On the stage he was looking tall man. But what you see on the picture?... Thank you captain!

Oct 24, 2024 12:00 AM Our funny chef...

Our funny chef... Foggy morning on the Pacific... They are expecting weather improvement in the afternoon...
Our Italian captain Luca is perfectly isolated from the passengers. Since the beginning of the cruise I saw him twice only: speaking from the balcony with a glass of wine in his hand (Passengers did not received any glass - that's Carvival) :) and second time: posing for the expensive paparazzi picture with the passengers.
It is much easier to see our chef -the chief cook. He is coming to the restaurants to ask people about the taste and quality of served food. I had a pleasure to talk with him. He is from Goa in India. Since I have been there he was happy to talk about beaches of Goa and about local food. What a nice, funny man!

Oct 23, 2024 12:00 AM I have new friends from Brazi!

I have new friends from Brazi! More sun today! It is more than 3000 passenger aboard our ship and it is difficult to find the people You want to meet. But sometimes the coincidence helps. I was looking for the free in the buffet restaurant and there was only one seat available: with the charming family of Roberto and Andrea. They travel with their teenage daughters Priscilla and Rebecca. They had tons of questions related to my travel passion... Very intelligent and nice people! The whole family live near Sao Paulo airport - they invited me in case I will be flying there once more. I will - in March! You are welcome to Poland, dear friends!

Oct 21, 2024 12:00 AM Cancelled Guam landing...

Cancelled Guam landing... Stormy weather. It is dark around, the ship is rocking on the waves. Tomorrow we should visit the American island of Guam in Micronesia. But the captain, Luca Lazarino announced that due to the expected worsening of weather conditions, the strong currents (they didn't know them before?) and the dalay we gain disembarking the ill passenger our visit to Guam will be cancelled - it is necessary to arrive on time to Honolulu. This decision is not so painful to me because I have been to Guam before. But what we were paying for? Captain promised to refund unpaid port charges - 61 dollars per passenger. In the morning I attended Malay dances class. It is interesting, but I can say the true: I prefere to dance tango, waltz or foxtrot aboard lovely Costa ships. Such opportunity will come only in December! :)

Oct 20, 2024 12:00 AM Ice carving on the sea..

Ice carving on the sea.. Sea is more rough today. Our cabin steward told me that in the night we visited one of the port in the northern Philippines to disembark ill passenger and his family. It happens... Security first... In the middle of the day we had ice carving presentation on the open deck 10. I saw already such an attraction on the other ships: the talented Philippine cook apeared with the big block of ice. Within 15 minutes this block was converted into the head of the American Indian Chief. Fantastic! In the afternoon there was a lot of music and in the evening - the performance of the Australian juggler. Nice day, but in the evening the sea became even more rocky! Fortunately my cabin is on the deck 1 - the rocking here is not so strong :)

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