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Log entries 31 - 40 of 2968 Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Mar 06, 2024 11:00 PM 2,70 euro for Round-trip to Balata

2,70 euro for Round-trip to Balata I am again on sunny Martinique. I decided to go by city bus to Balata village which is uphill from Fort-de-France. City bus 25 gors there from the street near the cemetery and there is a ticket window just round the corner. It is a/c bus, so half an hour juurney is pleasant. There are two reasons to go to Balata: Botanic Garden with a poscard view of two green peaks, palm, fern trees and canopy walk (10 segments tree to tree). Second raadon is Sanctuary Sacre Coeur - a church up on the hill - poor miniature of Montmartre Basilica, but withe a nice view of the coty and bay from the terrace... Between these two places there is 4 kms or so mountain road so better use the bus for relocation. In the garden there are comfortable paths. They charge hefty 16 euro entry fee. Much too much but the place with plants and flowers is interesting. It was 4 pm when O returned to the city. It was another nice day!

Mar 05, 2024 11:00 PM Bird - eye view of Castries

Bird - eye view of Castries I am again in the capital of St Lucia. The sun is not so strong, and we experience pleasant breeze. Yesterday at sunset on the top deck I met a nice young couple from Martinique: Lia and Nathan. I gave then the advice to go on St Lucia to picturesque Marigot Bay today for the nice beach pictures.
How about me? I decided to climb the hill overlooking Castries Bay (about 200 m up) to the former residence of British Governor. The road is step and narrow with heave car traffic so you have to take care... The residence is locked - you can take the pictures only through the gate. But the views from the level of 100 and 200m are great and wprth the effort. The next island - Martinique is visible on tje horizon. We will be there tomorrow...

Mar 04, 2024 11:00 PM Dominica, not Dominican Republic!

Dominica, not Dominican Republic! The sea was little rough in the night but right now is a lovely, sunny morning and I enjoy gret views of Dominica. It is poor but independent country with the green landscape similar to St Lucia. When I was here last time I was hitchhiking to the twin Trafalgar Fall. Today I just enjoy the easy -going capital city of Rouseau, its market and botanic garden... The tour in the taxi or microbus around the island costs 35 USD per person... I have a new friend - dr Stefan from Slovakia is also travelling on our ship alone!

Mar 03, 2024 11:00 PM Ship's meeting on Barbados

Ship's meeting on Barbados Strong sun since early morning. It is rare case, but in the port of Bridgetown there are 4 cruise ships of different companies: all white, elegant and... crowded. Imagine 10 000 plus passengers in the small town...
I took the walk to the centre of the town to use the free internet in the Gold Park near bus terminal. On the way I made the stopover at Fish Market to see how the locals clean the fish for sale - among them huge tunas and mahi-mahi. See my gallery for pictures.
Yesterday I have been invited for the Captain's Cocktail on our ship. Only 25-30 passengers deserved that... We were drinking champagne, dancing and enjoing meeting with the new fellows...

Mar 02, 2024 11:00 PM Tobago after 10 years

Tobago after 10 years This is lovely and friendly island! They have just one, tiny pier for the cruise ships but great music and people in the historic costumes were waiting for us on the land. Like 10 years ago I took a long walk to the well-restored King George Fort. It offers beautiful panorama, pictures with the old cannons, little museum in the former officers quarter (entry 4 USD)... US dollar is widely accepted. Taxi drover asked me 10 USD for the ride to the fort (they always cheat you - worldwide) it was good exercise to walk uphill and I saved 10 dollars for the next bottle of rum :). Once downhill it was worth to walk to the botanical garden in Scarborough. I have a good time...

Feb 29, 2024 11:00 PM I am boarding second ship of this voyage...

I am boarding second ship of this voyage... Just after sunrise, at 7 am my next ship, Costa Fortuna appeared at the entrance of Pointe-a-Pitre port. I know this ship - once I was sailing on this ship from Singapore... This is the oldest ship in Costa fleet. But it is very cozy and without a crowd aboard.

Feb 27, 2024 11:00 PM Fish market - come early!

Fish market - come early! Today it is raining from time to time in Pointe-a-Pitre. But these short showers are welcomed - they make day temperature (normally - 30 deg Celsius) little lower. I woke up earlier to go to the inner port to see the morning fish market. Fishermen are selling their night catch from 6 to 9 am - later it is too hot for the fish even if they put some ice on it. I was impressed not by the size of the offered fish (although there were also few 20-kilo tunas) but by the variety and colors of the fish. Octopuses were also on sale! See more pictures in my gallery...

Feb 26, 2024 11:00 PM Closed tourist office...

Closed tourist office... Guadeloupe is a popular tourist destination. In the corner of the main Victoire square there is nice colonial building housing tourist info office. But it is firmly locked since few days - the paper on the gate says that they repair something inside. Tourists are disappointed - no info, no maps... Why they do not pitch a tent in their garden to distribute maps and to help foreigners? But this is lazy Guadeloupe! They have a website but it is worth nothing...
Since my last visit something new appeared in the landscape of the city: MACT - memorial of slavery and human trade. There is conference center and exhibitions. Entry costs 15 euro! But it is worth to be here just to enjoy its modern architecture...

Feb 25, 2024 11:00 PM Rum in Guadeloupe

Rum in Guadeloupe From the window of my room I see the cruise ships docking in the port. Today it is Virgin and AidaPerla. Guadeloupe is popular destination for the cruise ships! It is time for me to make the laundry (in the tropics the clothes get quickly very sweaty) and to relax.
I took a walk to the nearest supermarket to buy a bottle of local rum (9 euro per 1-litre bottle and there is a big choice from different local destilleries). It is strong, but the locals usually use it to make a punch - mixing it with different juices. So do I! Cheers!

Feb 24, 2024 11:00 PM Back to Gwadeloupe

Back to Gwadeloupe After one week our cruise ship returned to Pointe-au-Pitre. They wanted us to empty the cabin already at 8 am but Pole-Pole! we paid the money and we are on the vacations... The service on this big ship is only so-so, but they charged from us full amount of suggested tips for the crew - 12 euro per night.
I booked well in advance via the the room in Pointe-au-Pitre. We were walking from the port about 20 m8nutes to find the place - rather ugly house with Chinese restaurant downstairs. But the door was closed. After several phone calls and e-mails the owner called me informing that she is no longer in But the reservation was active and paid! I contacted and they found for me another room close to the port. They promised to pay the price difference. But we were waiting 3,5 hours in the heat of 29 deg for their decision... Shame...
After lunch and some relax I book a taxi to the airport (some 30 euro) for my son and grandsons. Time to say goodbye... Kids must go back to the school! I hope they will keep this exotic cruise among their best memories...

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