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You can lose everything, but nobody will take away what you saw and what you experienced...

Log entries 41 - 50 of 2968 Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Feb 24, 2024 12:00 AM Jolie Martinique... West Indies

Jolie Martinique... West Indies The sun is not as strong as yesterday so it is easier to walk along the cozy, narrow streets of Fort de France. Memories, memories... Toll palms, tropical flowers, vibrant music.
I took my companions to the elegant city library, then to the cathedral and to the city market. So many colors there!. On the old city hall with enormous travellers palms in front I met just married local couple - there was a lot of fun when I was asking them for the picture together. I congratulated them, wishing all yhe best on new way of life Fort de France is clean and has a chic! But they destroyed the monument of imperatriz Josephine staying before on the Savane park. Josephine was from Martinique. Lovely day, but tomorrow morning we will be back to Guadeloupe and my companions will fly home

Feb 23, 2024 12:00 AM Beautiful but poor Grenada

Beautiful but poor Grenada They call it Spice Island because in their gardens local people produce a lot of cocoa, nutmeg, cinamon and other spices. We are docking in the beautiful little port of Saint Georges. The city, full of old color houses is spread around little, picturesque Carenage Bay... Churches are on the hills... I was impressed by the landscape when I was here some 30 years ago. Today I decided to climb to the Fort Frederick overlooking the bay and the lagoon. Public microbus goes there, but I preffered to walk for pictures. It was worth. Already from the proson stop there was great ponoramic view. Fror the fort (free entry) panorama is even wider..It took me 1,5 hours up and 1 hour dowhill . Goood exercise, but took plenty of water!

Feb 22, 2024 12:00 AM Saint Vincent - Caribbean

Saint Vincent - Caribbean In the morning we entered the Bay of Saint Vincent. This is one of the most picturesque ports in the Caribbean - surrounded by picturesque mountains. Hot sun! Already at 9.30 am we got out of the ship to enjoy the life of the poor people living here. Noise music and traffic jams on the narrow main street... Caribbean music, including steel drums were plaing when I was passing the colonial center to the botanical garden and catholic cathedral. They charge 2 USD per person entry fee to the garden plus 4 if you need a guide. Famous breadfruit tree brought from Tahiti by captain Bligh is still there (actually descendent of the first one).
Then I started climb to fort Charlotte like years ago. It took me one hour to reach the gate and to recognize, that Fort Charlotte is now closed for restauration. But the view from the gate is still exciting!

Feb 21, 2024 12:00 AM Captain Corrado

Captain Corrado Day at sea. I have been invited for Captain's Coctail. I introduced myself and captain congratulated me my traveller's achievements. We took a souvenir picture - it is my 38th captain, isn't he?

Feb 20, 2024 12:00 AM Barbados on the horizon!

Barbados on the horizon! Ahoy, we are approaching Barbados. Very hot sun. It was 10 am when we disembared our ship in Bridgetown port. They have nice and clean arrival hall with many souvenir shops. The quality of the free wifi improved!
Always when I am here I skip the taxi drivers and walk from the port to the old, colonial center. It did not changed much. The bells are ringing the time on the tower of parliament, many barefoot people, trees in blossom. Under the roof of Golden Square local people are plaing chess and using free internet like me. Lazy time and pleasant breeze from Atlantic Ocean...
Tomorrow we have a day at sea, on Thursday we plan to reach Saint Vincent and then - Grenada...

Feb 19, 2024 12:00 AM Saint Lucia Island

Saint Lucia Island The sun was rising when our ship entered the narrow bay on Castries - the capital of independent Saint Lucia state. The port has a spectacular location - surrounded by green mountains. It is poor but friendly nation of the friendly, black skin people. They celebrate anniversary of independence on Feb 22nd and the capital is accordingly decorated in the national flag colors. Despite of the heat I took the walk to the well-known places visiting the wooden cathedral, a big, historic tree on the main square and colonial houses in the center. City market is still interesting too - full of spices, straw product and tropical fruits. Nice place!

Feb 19, 2024 12:00 AM Monday on Gwadeloupe

From the window of my room I see - the ships docking in the port - today we have huge Virgin and mich smaller AidaPerla. Finally I have a time to make the laundry (in the tropics the clothes very quick are sweaty) and to relax.
I took a walk to the supermarket: the one-liter bottle of local rum costs 9 euro. It is quite strong (50 percent) but locals use it to make a punch - mixing it with different juices. Me too!

Feb 18, 2024 12:00 AM We will be boarding the ship

We will be boarding the ship Lovely sunrise. Than morning at leisure, after busy yesterday. Our Cruise ship is already In the port but is must first disembark old passengers and clean up the cabins. We plan to embark In the afternoon but first I have to return rented car In the airport.

Feb 17, 2024 12:00 AM Guadeloupe - Basse Terre

Guadeloupe - Basse Terre Guadeloupe has a shape of the butterfly. We stay on the left wing of the butterfly - on the south coast of Basse Terre. At the sunrise we enjoyed great view from the panoramic window of our roomy kitchen.
It is only 10- minute walk to the nearest Bananiere Beach so my companions took their chance to go there and to swim underground the palms In the warm water of the Caribbean Sea. The we drove uphill to the Corbet waterfalls hidden In the thick rainforest. From the parking there is nice, 20-minute trailer through the Fernandez trees and dense vegetation to the 2nd Corbet Fall. I like the Fall and the view on 110-meters Fall was just great! Then we were driving windy coastal Road to the little Town of Deshais - it remained something of the Old caribbean character. The final Accent of this wonderful day was the white-sand Pearl Beach - locals say it is the the most beautiful Beach on Guadeloupe- I agree!

Feb 16, 2024 12:00 AM Three flights to the Caribbean

Three flights to the Caribbean I reporter in Gda?sk airport before the sunrise. KLM flight to Amsterdam was on time and they served even a sandwich and Coffee. In AMS I had only 100 m to walk to the gate C5 to board the A220 to Paris. Coffee and cookie only!. In Paris I went Frombork terminal 2E to 2F to meeting my dear son Adam and my grandsons Piotr and Alexander. Huge boeing 777 wan already waiting... The flight to Guadeloupe took us around 9 hours. There is 5 hours time difference so we landed at midnight European time. It was dark, 25 deg Celsius and palms In front of the airport terminal. Shuttle took US to the rent a car parking. Frormalities were quick, but the gave us junk renault. I was driving this car In a dark more the 40 kms to the pension on the southern Coast. We were tired but happy. Sleep, sleep after such a long day!

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