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Log entries 61 - 70 of 2968 Page: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Jan 29, 2024 11:00 PM Mossel Bay. South Africa

Mossel Bay. South Africa In the morning we reached this little port on the Indian Ocean, the last one before we will turn around Cape of the Good Hope to Atlantic
Mossel Bay lives from fishing and tourism. The port is too small to receive big ships, so we were forced to tender. Not easy task, because port authorities gave us too little space at the pier to dock more than one tender at a time. Tenders from the ship were waiting in the line to disload passengers...
Mossel Bay is a resort town with nice beach and the tourist office on the main crossroad. Shame - this office doesn't provide for visitors any wifi connection. You have to walk to flea market to have free internet. Then I took a walk along the coast to the lighthouse on the Cape St Blaize - the path is well maintained... Great views from the lighhouse gate but to climb to the top of the tower you have to pay 100 rands - drink included. Nice, sleepy town. 27 deg Celsius. But where is the sun?

Jan 28, 2024 11:00 PM Port Elizabeth - South Africa

Port Elizabeth - South Africa I woke up at sunrise - in the middle of the piles of containers. This is important port Port Elizabeth, founded in 1820, when first British settlers landed here.
Our ship is badly organized - we were waiting on the pier 40 min for the first bus wishing to take us off the big port (authorities do not allow to walk across the port). They disembarked us at the Campanile tower - near the highway - just steps from the old city center. I was lucky to meet there Cania - the student of turism. As a practice students in the red T-shirts offer their guidance in the city. I like it! We took the steps to the beautiful Market Square with Victorian Library and elegant city hall. The Library is worth to see inside. I remember this nice building from my first visit in Port Elizabeth. Then we were climbing uphill passing Opera House (poor in comparison to Europe) and great, stylish Edward Hotel (see picture) to Dunkin place - the park near lighthouse and huge flagpole. Tourist office here offers maps and free wifi. The other attraction to see is Little Fort Frederick, built by Brits - with the nice view of the port. Nice place, but the giide warn you against bag snatchers and pickpocketing. Africa!

Jan 27, 2024 11:00 PM Memories of Zululand...

Memories of Zululand... It is day at sea, but everybody remember yesterday's visit to Zulu Village. Dumazulu Village exist to preserve the traditions of Zulu tribe. There are round huts to visit and several demonstrations of the weapon and shield making, weaving, traditional medicine preparing... Zulu man can have many wifes, but each one will cost him 11 cows (or nowadays equivalent in cash paid to her parents) he is also obliged to built separate house for each wife. We had also a chance to see Zulu's traditional singing and dancing. Drumming was very dynamic and the warriors were jumping high. It was very interesting day - we returned to the ship only at 6 pm.

Jan 26, 2024 11:00 PM Richard's Bay. Africa

Richard's Bay.  Africa It is my first time in Richard's Bay - little port in South Africa. We were waiting an hour until authorities deliveresd port pilot by... helicopter - due to rough sea. For the first fime I saw such a operation. Then the ship entered narrow canal heading to the bay. There are few piers - all for coal and other minerals. We docked between them. Ugly place! Small team of immigration officers of SA arrived aboard to take passport control - it took hours and hours, keeping passengers in the long lines. Fortunately I was booked for the excursion to Zulu Village and they gave me priority. The bus took us some 70 kms away. Road was passing through the eucalyptus forests and sugarcane plantations. Finally we stopped in front of the wooden gate where Zulu warrior in traditional outfit was waiting for us. Welcome to Zululand!

Jan 25, 2024 11:00 PM Zulu Land on the course...

Zulu Land on the course... Day at sea. But I wish to see such a view every morning when I open iny inside cabin my "window" - the monitor showing the view from bow camera. Sun and navy-blue ocean. I spentpre than an hour sunbathing on the open deck. The ice cream on this ship is free and unlimited. We are waiting for the afternoon music and evening's show of the illusionist in the theatre. Great day. Tomorrow - Zulu Land!

Jan 24, 2024 11:00 PM Outside decks closed due to strong wind!

Outside decks closed due to strong wind! It is sunny day, we are sailing south the Mozambique Canal experiencing strong head wind. They were planning the acrobatic show in the theatre for the evening, but since it is rocking too much it was replaced by other production.
It is hard to predict, how will be the weather tomorrow. But for sure on the day after tomorrow we will reach our first port on South Africa - Richard's Bay.

Jan 23, 2024 11:00 PM Exotic Madagascar...

Exotic Madagascar... Early in the morning we landed using tenders in Nosy Be in Northern Madagascar.After civilized Reunion Nosy Be gave me the taste of real Africa. I have been here many years ago, taking out the image of very poor bur friendly country. Not much changed. The old colonial buildings are still in a very bad shape. The only new thing is Lemuria Park established on the outskirts of Hellville- capital of the Nosy Be island. Yellow tuk-tuk took me there from the jetty for just 5 USD. The last 2 kms is terrible, muddy country road. Once in the park you can see different lemurs, crocodiles, chameleons. There is also ylang-ylang perfume factory/museum to visit with a local guide. Friendly Canadians took me back to the town through thee mud and congestions... In the city a colorful marche - market full of basketware, vanilla, cinamon and other spices is the must. People are friendly, but beware the street money changers - they know, that you do not know the rate for local ariary...
Fantastic day!

Jan 22, 2024 11:00 PM Landing in Diego Suarez cancelled...

Landing in Diego Suarez cancelled... In the morning I saw the land on the horizon under the cloudy sky. Everybody was ready for landing in Antsiranana, but the bad message arrived through loudspeakers before the breakfast: the wind is too strong to enter the natural port and the weather will not change in the next few hours. Today's landing is cancelled. Bad luck! What to do waiting for the music in the late afternoon and evening? You can eat (the food aboard is very tasty - see my picture with our chef - he is from India, you can drink (but not too much, please! And you can sleep... Let's hope that till tomorrow the weather will improve!

Jan 21, 2024 11:00 PM At sea - sailing to Madagascar

At sea - sailing to Madagascar It is relaxing day at sea. The sun is strong so I survived only one hour on the open deck. Then it was a time to make the laundry and to read about the next destination. This is not a big ship (I like this because I hate noise and crowd). We have 2150 passengers aboard/2200 capacity. Most of the passengers are Americans. I met aboard so far only 2 travellers from Poland: Ela and Tomasz are from Poznan region. In the late afternoon our captain invited the frequent NCL passengers (I have already platinum level) for the coctail in the big Bliss lounge. The band was playing good music. Drinks and sandwiches were offered for free). I introduced myself to the captain - he is from... Bulgaria. Then our cruise director Isha (pretty lady from India) was also happy to have a picture with a traveller who knows her huge country "end to end". It was strane that captain Asen didn't appear on the stage - he must be shy! :) Only few people were dancing... In the evening we were watching good rock show in the theater. The wind became stronger...

Jan 20, 2024 11:00 PM Welcome to Reunion!

Welcome to Reunion! It was only around 200 kms to sail in the night from Mauritius to Reunion... Budget traveller is in trouble here because the Port La Posession ehere ships dock some 20 kms west from the capital of the island - Saint Denis. Normally you can go there by public bus (30 min drive on the coastal road) But during the cyclone who passed a week ago the road was destroyed and today is still closed. In addition local authorities introduced a stupid rule: cruise passengers can go out of the port only with the original passport. But the passports were taken yesterday during the check-in! Can you imagine long line of the nervous passengers wanting to have the passport back? Shame on you, NCL!
Immigration officers are very strict: no passport, no entry? Once you pass them there is good point of tourist information: they distribute maps and offer for a fee two transfers: for 20 euro round trip to Ermitage Beach with tourist bazaar. And for 5 euro round trip to nearest town of Le Port. I took the second option, disembarked at the colorful Hindu temple. Huge supermarket is nearby.Local ladies wear color dress and paint their faces against strong sun. But I enjoyed most the view inland - to the green peaks and valleys. I enjoyed them during my first visit on Reunion...
Tomorrow we have day at sea on the route to Diego Suarez, Madagascar.

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