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You can lose everything, but nobody will take away what you saw and what you experienced...

Log entries 101 - 110 of 2968 Page: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Dec 08, 2023 12:00 AM Landed in Buenos Aires!

Landed in Buenos Aires! In the morning on the full sun we docked in the port of Buenos Aires. From the upper decks the skyscrapes of the downtown were visible... I said goodbye to my cozy ship. They took us by free shuttle bus to the unimpressive terminal. The customs officers were screening all our luggage and... You are free to go! Taxi mafia were waiting over the fencd. They asked to pay 15000 pesos or 20 USD for the 5 kms ride to the Aeroparque Airport. O, no! I took my pack and started a walk. Just let yoy know that some 700 m away UNDER the highway there is unsigned city bus stop. Buses 33 and 45 goes from here to AEP airport bus you must have a bus card - drivers do not accept a cash payment. In front of the terminal building, on the coast there is a nice monument of Columbus. Local people are fishing here. I am waiting for my domestic flight to Puerto Iguazu. Argentina is waiting for the new president to be ..sworn on Sunday...

Dec 07, 2023 12:00 AM Montevideo - Uruguay

Montevideo - Uruguay Imagine huge bay filled with the cocoa-colour water...
This is the mouth of the Parana river. On the nonthern side of the bay lies Uruguay, on the southern - Argentina. Here I am: in Montevideo - the capital of the small Uruguay. The port is tiny an full of wrecks. But directly from the port gate you can walk to the old part of the city. It is very compact, with many ruined houses from 19th century, once very ornate, now waiting for the restauration. Pedestrian street connect two main squares. On the first one you will find nice catholic cathedral. On the second - monument of the national hero Artigas. The mausoleum of Artigas is under the monument. Stylish building Old Casa the Gobierno is nearby - there is free museum of the presidents full of the uniforms, weapon, old photographs - well worth to see! In the corner of the Plaza you will see elegant Solis Theater - unfortunately open for visits only after 4 pm. The square is dominated by tall building of Palacio Salvo - a strange construction - an old mixture of offices and residential building.
I am happy to have a sunny day here. In the night we will cross the bay to Buenos Aires.

Dec 06, 2023 12:00 AM Rocky ocean...

Rocky ocean... The ocean was a bit rocky last night. Since the morning the sky is cloudy and everybody is praying for the sun. We are sailing south to reach Montevideo tomorrow in the morning. I have many friends in the crew. Especially I like the people from Asian countries. They smile to me already from the distance. And I am proud to say to everyone "I have been to your country!" without asking where is he or she from (because I have been to every country). They are curious and happy when I start the talk about their cities or regions. Sometimes they represent very exotic countries. This lovely cook is from Myanmar. Specially form me she was preparing my favourite "thousand islands" salad dressing!

Dec 04, 2023 12:00 AM Hazy Rio... Lovely samba...

Hazy Rio... Lovely samba... It was more than 30 deg Celsius when I was disembarking our ship in Rio de Janeiro. But the weather was hazy and the visibility very poor.
My companions, who booked for 100 euro plus tours to Corcovado Mountain or to Sugar Loaf were sad.
Not me... I was visiting well known places by bus. Rio is so wide that it is difficult to visit it on foot! :) The nicest and completely new view I registered was from Botafogo park, where I found pink frangipani flowers in blossom. With Sugar Loaf in the background it was just a postcard view! In the Rio cruise terminal building there is free wifi connection, but it is so weak, that I am not sure if it will be possible to upload the picture... Anyway - it was great day. Sorry, that the our stay was so short, and the weather hazy....

Dec 03, 2023 12:00 AM Day at sea...

Day at sea... After hot Salvador I have a time to relax, to write about and to read about my destination in Argentina. I found new friend from Italy: Pino from Naples is also heading to Buenos and onward to Tierra del Fuego.
In the warm evening we were watching the group of Ukrainian actobates. They were performing very well..
Am I right that only 4 days left till the end of the cruise? Weather forecast for Rio is "cloudy and stormy" - we will see! For the people who are visiting Rio for the first time the weather is very important - Rio is very picturesque place. For me thes will be my 6th visit. A chance to refresh memories again... But I do not like tropical rain! :)

Dec 02, 2023 12:00 AM Afro-Brazilian Salvador...

Afro-Brazilian Salvador... I am today in the hot State of Bahia... Our ship was sailing whole ninght and whole day to reach historic Salvador, famous for its Afro - Brazilian culture I have been here many times and each time I am excited by this vibrant city located on the cliff. Towere of the colonoal churches are visible already from the ship, but you must leave the port, pass the tourist market Mercado Modelo and take the public elevator for just 15 centavos to get up to the old city. Narrow cobbled streets will guide you to the restored cathedral and other churches, you will enjoy color houses and smiling black-skin people - descendents of the slaves. As far as you see the policemen around you are safe. This time they allowed me to further than before - to abandoned Carmo church and monastery. It is nice anyway! I had also rare opportunity to listen to the band of local drummers (last time four years ago they were only marching throgh the main street) - wow! What a concert! But so hot here! I got An access to internet in the restaurant near the port - just for an hour to send you messages. In the evening we are sailing to Rio. I have a great time!

Dec 01, 2023 12:00 AM Recife in Pernambuco

Recife in Pernambuco Wow! After 5 days in the empty ocean we finally saw today the land - the Brasilian province of Pernambuco. Welcome to South America! Different world... 30 deg Celcius already in the morning, high humidity. At 8 am I was already on the shore, where junk bus was taking us to the terminal. Local, colorful band was welcoming us here. And outside the building a lot of police officers were care about our safety. Well, this is poor Brasilian Nordeste. This is my fifth visit to Recife. The old part of the city located near the port is still charming. I took a long stroll in the strong sun trying to find the old, well- known places. Nice walkunder the palm and other tropical trees, they are in blossom here while in cold Europe is snow..

Nov 30, 2023 12:00 AM We crossed the equator!

We crossed the equator! How many times I already crossed the equator? 30, 40?... But for some passengers from my ship it is a big event - first in the lifetime, so they enjoyed the sea baptize ceremony offered on the opeb deck. There were nice dancers and a lot of music ond fun!! All of us we received the certificates signed by the captain....

Nov 28, 2023 12:00 AM Dancing in the ocean...

Dancing in the ocean... Atlantic is more rocky roday, but in the evening in the different corners of the ship (at least 4) the music plays anthe people are dancing on the dance floor - no time to be bored! We hanve also good - quality Broadway-style shows. Let's enjoy!

Nov 25, 2023 12:00 AM By bus to Candelaria...

By bus to Candelaria... Santa Cruz de Tenerife. I have been here many times, bit each time I was to discower something new... My new Italian friend from the ship - Mario gave me good advice: go today to Candelaria. After disembarking at 9 am I took a walk to Estacion de Guagua (bus station) and took the city bus 122, baying to the driver 2,35 euro for the oneway ticket. Soo it departed. We were climbing coastal hills to the west with the nice views. After the bus turned from the highway - down to the coast, to the little fishing township. This is Candelaria! Hidden and very cosy. The main attraction her is the basilica of St Mary of the Candles. It was built pn the coast and there is huge square in front of the church. On this square along the wayerfront there are statues of 9 Guancho kings. Guancho was aborigine tribe living on Canary Islands before Spaniards colonized them. I photographed the statue of the Virgin, bot also the landscape of the green hills and color homes on the coastal streets. Then I bought a ripe papaya for only 1 euro on the local market. Do you remember my invention: rum in papaya? It will be celebrarion tonight! :) .Next 5 days we will spend crossing the Atlantic. Sorry, no free internet on the ship... Be patient!

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