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You can lose everything, but nobody will take away what you saw and what you experienced...

Log entries 71 - 80 of 2970 Page: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Jan 21, 2024 10:00 PM At sea - sailing to Madagascar

At sea - sailing to Madagascar It is relaxing day at sea. The sun is strong so I survived only one hour on the open deck. Then it was a time to make the laundry and to read about the next destination. This is not a big ship (I like this because I hate noise and crowd). We have 2150 passengers aboard/2200 capacity. Most of the passengers are Americans. I met aboard so far only 2 travellers from Poland: Ela and Tomasz are from Poznan region. In the late afternoon our captain invited the frequent NCL passengers (I have already platinum level) for the coctail in the big Bliss lounge. The band was playing good music. Drinks and sandwiches were offered for free). I introduced myself to the captain - he is from... Bulgaria. Then our cruise director Isha (pretty lady from India) was also happy to have a picture with a traveller who knows her huge country "end to end". It was strane that captain Asen didn't appear on the stage - he must be shy! :) Only few people were dancing... In the evening we were watching good rock show in the theater. The wind became stronger...

Jan 20, 2024 10:00 PM Welcome to Reunion!

Welcome to Reunion! It was only around 200 kms to sail in the night from Mauritius to Reunion... Budget traveller is in trouble here because the Port La Posession ehere ships dock some 20 kms west from the capital of the island - Saint Denis. Normally you can go there by public bus (30 min drive on the coastal road) But during the cyclone who passed a week ago the road was destroyed and today is still closed. In addition local authorities introduced a stupid rule: cruise passengers can go out of the port only with the original passport. But the passports were taken yesterday during the check-in! Can you imagine long line of the nervous passengers wanting to have the passport back? Shame on you, NCL!
Immigration officers are very strict: no passport, no entry? Once you pass them there is good point of tourist information: they distribute maps and offer for a fee two transfers: for 20 euro round trip to Ermitage Beach with tourist bazaar. And for 5 euro round trip to nearest town of Le Port. I took the second option, disembarked at the colorful Hindu temple. Huge supermarket is nearby.Local ladies wear color dress and paint their faces against strong sun. But I enjoyed most the view inland - to the green peaks and valleys. I enjoyed them during my first visit on Reunion...
Tomorrow we have day at sea on the route to Diego Suarez, Madagascar.

Jan 19, 2024 10:00 PM Terrible boarding in Saint Louis

Terrible boarding in Saint Louis Traveller's sometimes is not easy. When we arrived with all our stuff to the port of Mauritius. We were informed by the police at the port gate that the pier at the new cruise terminal is occupied by the other ship - Aida. Port authorities decided that our ship will be docked on the other side of the bay - in the commercial harbor. It means that you must cross the center of Saint Louis and make 4-kms loop to reach the other gate. In the heat! We did! And we were waiting few hours in the huge plastic tent for the check-in. Crowd, very bad organization. Nobody knows when and where to go... Shame on you, NCL! Finally at 2 pm sweaty I decided that I must do something, not just waiting for somebody to tell me... I was pushing the crowd to the table where some staff was sitting. Form, form... I got the exit form to fill. I gave it with the passport to the officer. She gavee the tablet to sign that I am not ill. Few minates later She gave me the cabin key. Then I went to the other long line on the pier to board
The ship. Our inside cabin is quite comfortable. From the open deck there is great view of Port Saint Louis surrounded by the mountains. Even at the sunset the other passengers were waiting in those tent... Finally we sailed out...

Jan 18, 2024 10:00 PM South West Mauritius...

South West Mauritius... You can rent a car to explore this part of the island, but if you didn't practice left hand sriving it is better to rent a car with the local driver, who knows well windy roads... Expect to pay 4500 rupees for 8 hours for full car (1-4 persons). We visited ship model factory, rum shop with degustation, dormant crater and view points in the mountains. I am waterfalls lover so for me the top attraction was 100-m Chamarel fall (entry fee 13 USD or 550 rupees covers also 7 colors earth)... Very hot, but very interesting day on Mauritius...

Jan 17, 2024 10:00 PM Strong sun over Meiritius

Strong sun over Meiritius Imagine, I am 2200 kms south of equator! The sun is strong since the morning, hat is obligatory and after few hours walk I feel the sunburn also on my neck! After the buffet breakfast in our pension (it is included) we took a walk down to the beach of Flic en Flac. It is quiete a walk! Expect to walk 20 min down and 25 uphill! The pension offers the free shuttle ride every 3 hours or so, but will you wait? Down there is a kind of the micro downtown with some shops, exchange both (they pay 44.10 rupees for the dollar and 48 for euro) and fruit and vege stalls (80 rupees for kilo of bananas). Le baguette costs just 10 rupees and a bottle 0.7 of local rum - 300 - like 6 euro. A lot of mango trees and flowers in the gardens. Finally through the line of trees you will see turquoise and blue ocean, the reef and long, white beach. We took a long walk along the beach, going south and enjoying the view of the green mountains, including table-like Morne Brabant. There are many fallen trees on the beach after cyclone, they are cleaning them. Lovely day! I negociate the car excursion (South West of the island) for tomorrow.

Jan 16, 2024 10:00 PM Delayed again...

Delayed again... No, no, no... Departure of my flight was delayed several times. But finally we departed at 10.20 pm. The A350 airplane was full. The food they offered - weak (Mauritius products) Only their Phoenix beer was so-so... 11 hours... Finally I saw the green island: 4th time in my life. But the last time I have been here some 20 years ago! Air bridges in the airport don't work - we were walking to the building with all our stuff... 29 deg Celsius and high humidity.
Passports control was smooth - I prepared in advance my entry form online. Then there is very formal costom control and you can go out of the building. Taxi drivers are waiting. Broken by the cyclone travellers palms.
Driving to Flic Flac (what a name!) I was surprised by the good roads - much better than 20 years ago... But they still drive left side of the road! My pension is surrounded by palms, has a little pool and weak internet. After night on the plane I dream only about shower and the bed. Good night from the tropics!

Jan 15, 2024 10:00 PM Ready for take of...

Ready for take of... After emotions of yesterday I slept very well. French they like the good food so in the morning we received good buffet breakfast. Normally the check-out in the hotels is at 12, but in this case last shuttle ti the terminal 3 of CDG departs at 10.30 am and you must go with them unless you are ready to pat for the expensive taxi.
Who will issue my new boarding pass. I spent again a long time in the line yo the Aie France service desk - just to recognixe that they cannot do that - Go to Air Mauritius in E2. In E2 there was another long line, but finally I got the boarding pass and start long walk to the wing L in terrminal E3. Security control os not pleasure. But in the passport control they were smiling. It is 6 pm and I am waiting for boarding at the gate L49 before 11-hours flight. Let's hope that everything will be OK!

Jan 14, 2024 10:00 PM Just one word: hell

Just one word: hell Early in the morning I boarded my first plane, equipped with 3 boarding passes to Mauritius. They made necessary deicing and we landed in Amsterdam with one hour delay only. I was still lucky to catch the second flight - Air France to Paris. But before the take off we spend almost two hours eaiting in the long line of the aircrafts waiting for deicing.
Well, I said -My third flight is at so it doesn't matter...
I was feeling like in the hell when I saw on the display that my third flifht to Mauritius is cancelled. Unfriendly Air France sent me to Air Mauritius desk and check-in row 2 on departure level of terminal 2E. -It is big storm on Mauritius and authorities decided to close the airport! When it will stop? Who knows!
They gave me the voucher to the cheap hotel near the airport, announcing that for the second night they will not pay. I am sitting sad in the small hotel room. Oh my God, please stop this wind and rain!

Jan 13, 2024 10:00 PM Oh mamma, oh mamma AFRICA!

Oh mamma, oh mamma AFRICA! It's hard to believe, but in January, after return from the Persian Gulf I only had three days to do laundry, take care of urgent matters and re-pack my backpack. Imagine that I'm flying to Africa! After many years, I will visit again places I know, but my route will also include cities and natural attractions that I have not seen yet. The journey will begin with a flight via Amsterdam nand Paris to Mauritius. After a few days on this island, I will board a ship that will sail to Madagascar and then onward to South Africa. I will say goodbye to the ship in Cape Town, to continue exploring the area in a rented car. The travel map is below. If I can find free access to the internet, you will find the "hot" messages from the travel route, as always, in my travel log. Keep your fingers crossed, please! :)


Jan 11, 2024 10:00 PM Shame on you, wizzair...

Shame on you, wizzair... We landed in Belgrad on time! I was happy until I saw on a display, that our flight to Copenhagen is delayed at least 2 hours... Because... the weatrher! Belgrade is not a pleasant place to wait. Very poor internet... Cold corridors and snow outside. Minus 7 deg Celsius in the sky bridge. When they announced further 20 min delay I recognized that we have no chance to catch in Copenhagen our 11 pm fligh to Gdansk.
I desperately started to search for the other flight. The only solution eas to spend the night in CPH airport and fly Ryan at 6.35 to Cracow and then on midday to Gdansk. Finally we landed in Copenhagen at 35 min after midnight - with 3,5 hours delay. The night in the empty Copenhagen airport was like nightmare. This is the pleasure of traveling with low-cost airlines! We lost a lot of money on non-ref tickets...
But it was wonderful voyage. It is worth to remember only its great moments - like the last morning panorama of Abu Dhabi - see enclosed picture.

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